1. Interviews - Articles
Article published at Accounting and Business Magazine (11/2019)
- Tools for our times (INT_T_Samonas.pdf)
Article published at Accounting and Business Magazine (04/2015)
- Risk Management (In Greek) (EIOD on Financial Management Issue 3.6.pdf)
Article published at Hellenic Institute of Financial Management (EIOD) No. 3 Oct 15
Article at CFO Agenda (In Greek) (Credit Rating Framework.pdf)
Credit Rating Framework
The changing role of the CFO (In Greek). (Inrerview GR Samonas.pdf)
Interview about the new role of the CFO after the financial crisis (CFO Agenda).
The worse is over (In Greek). (SAMONAS CFO Agenda.pdf)
Interview about the financial crisis at CFO Agenda.
2. Financial Modelling
10 Must Have Excel Power User Tips (10musthavepowerusertips_r2.pdf)
From Resource Planning Solutions (www.rpscgi.com)
75 Practical Resources That Will make you an Excel Wizard
From Campus Now (http://campusnow.com)
Twenty principles for good spreadsheet practice (twenty_principles_for_good_spreadsheet_practice.pdf)
From Information Technology Faculty of ICAEW (www.icaew.com/)
Excel Formulas (EXCEL_Formulae.xls)
From www.sanketham.tk
Financial Modelling Books (Financial Modelling Books.docx)
As appear in Amazon.com
Forecasting Financial Statements with No plugs and No Circularity (SSRN-id1411129.pdf)
From Ignacio Vélez–Pareja of Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
Prospective Analysis: Guidelines for Forecasting Financial Statements (SSRN-id1026210.pdf)
From Ignacio Vélez-Pareja of Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar & Joseph Tham of Duke University
Some Frequent Mistakes and Solutions when Forecasting Financial Statements (SSRN-id1286782.pdf)
From Ignacio Vélez–Pareja.
Spreadsheet Skills and Modelling interactive guide (SpreadsheetGuide.xls)
From Tykoh Training ( www.tykoh.com)
The Ultimate Waterfall chart in Excel (Waterfall.xls)
From Quant Finance Academy (https://eduqfa.com/ultimate-waterfall-chart-excel/)
Visual Basic for Finance Reference Guide (Tykoh-VBA-Reference.xls)
From Tykoh Training ( www.tykoh.com)
3. Risk Management
2016 AFP Risk Survey (2016AFPRiskSurvey-FINAL.pdf)
Assotiation of Financial Profetionals. Supported from MARSH & McLENNAN.
2015 AFP Risk Survey (2015AFPRiskSurvey-FINAL.pdf)
Assotiation of Financial Profetionals. Supported from MARSH & McLENNAN.
2014 AFP Risk Survey (2014AFPRiskSurvey-FINAL.pdf)
Turning a New Age of Market Uncertainty to Your Advantage.
A Risk Management Standard (Risk_Management_Standard_030820.pdf)
The Association of Insurance and Risk Managers (AIRMIC)
Guide to Enterprise Resource Management - ERM (ProtivitiERM_FAQGuide.pdf)
McKinsey's Working Paper on Risk (6_Probabilistic_modeling_as_an_exploratory_decisionmaking_tool.pdf)
Probabilistic Modelling
PWC's Uncertainty & Risk Analysis (Uncertainty & Risk Analysis.pdf)
A practical guide
Risk Matrix (Blank Risk Matrix.xls)
The Impact of Catastrophes on Shareholder Value (Impact of Catastophes on Shareholder Value.pdf)
The Orange Book. (The Orange Book.pdf)
Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts
4.Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Innovation 2007 (Innovation_Aug_2007.pdf)
New Perspectives on Value Creation (Value_creators_summary.pdf)
The 2003 Value Creators Report (Value_Creator_2003_rpt.pdf)
The 2006 Value Creators Report (Value_Creators_Sept_06.pdf)
- The challenge of too much cash (Challenge_of_Too_Much_Cash_Dec_2007.pdf)
A capital idea (us_consulting_stbk5_capitalidea_250507.pdf)
Adopting the Value Habit (us_value_AdoptingValueHabUpdated906white.pdf)
- Breathing lessons (us_consulting_stbk7_BreathingLessons_120307.pdf)
Enterprise Value Map (Enterprise_Value_Map_2_0.pdf)
Spreadsheet Management (us_risk_spreadsheet_mgt_022509.pdf)
The value habit (us_consulting_stbk6_valuehabit_290806.pdf)
What many boards and executives STILL don’t know about the health of their businesses (corporate_performance_report.pdf)
Best practice in risk management. (eiu_Risk_Management.pdf)
A function comes of age.
Business resilience. (operational_risk_report.pdf)
Ensuring continuity in a volatile environment.
Catastrophe risk management (CATASTROPHE_RISK_report.pdf)
Better Strategy through organizational design (Better Strategy.pdf)
Building the civilized workplace (Civilised workplace.pdf)
Deals that create value (Deals that create value.pdf)
How to improve strategic planning? (Strategic Planing 3.pdf)
Managing the corporate portfolio (Managing Corporate Portfolio.pdf)
Managing value and performance (Value.pdf)
McKinsey Global Survey (Cariers.pdf)
What shapes carriers
The 21st century organization (21st Organization.pdf)
The CFO’s first hundred days (100 days CFO.pdf)
The granularity of growth (Growth.pdf)
Tired of strategic planning? (Strategic Planing.pdf)
What is value-based management? (Value Based Management.pdf)
- The 7 deadly sins of performance measurement (The 7 deadly sins of performance measurement.pdf)
Capital Structure (lec4bcapitalstructure1.pdf)
Capital Structure, cont. (lec8bcapitalstructure3.pdf)
Dividend and Payout Policy (lec11apayoutpolicy.pdf)
Tax savings of debt: value implications (Tax savings of debt value implications.pdf)
Valuation - Free Cash Flows (lec12bvaluation.pdf)
Wrap-up of Valuation (lec24bwrapupvaluation.pdf)
Economic value added and its alternatives (VALUE_ACCA.pdf)
Financial Analysis Model (Financial Analysis Model.XLS)
Financial ratio Glossary (Financial Ratio Glossary.doc)
- Financial ratio Analysis - Demonstrating Value (Financial Ratio Analysis.pdf)
- Forecasting with confidence Insights from leading finance functions (kpmg_forecasting_report.pdf)
iQmethod - Merrill Lynch approach to Global Equity Valuation, Accounting, and Quality of Earnings (iqmethod_Valuation.pdf)
Modern Money Mechanics (MODERN MONEY MECHANICS.pdf)Description of the basic process of money creation
Productivity in Greece (Productivity in Greece MCKinsey.pdf)
Research from McKinsey
Quantitative Models within Basel 2 S&P RS CRT GREECE (Luca Martino Presentation.pps)
Standard & Poor’s Risk Solutions
Spreadsheet Modelling Best Practice (smbp.pdf) IBM
The Free Cash Flow Business Valuation Model (valuedrivers.xls)
The Validation of Internal Ratings Systems (9.Waterhouse Presentation.pps)
Standard & Poor’s Risk Solutions
VaR Model (VaR.xls)
- Weighted Average Cost of Capital & Valuation (wacc.xls)
Harvard Business School Publishing
- Best books on Valuation and other finance books recommendations (https://shepherd.com/bookshelf/finance)
11.Working Capital
REL 2013 Working Capital Survey (2013-Europe-Working-Capital-Survey.pdf)
REL 2013 Working Capital Survey (2013-US-Working-Capital-Survey.pdf)
REL 2015 Working Capital Survey (REL-2015-EU-Working-Capital-Survey.pdf)
Working Capital Scorecard 2008 (CFO_Europe_Working_Capital_Scorecard_2008_Full.xls)
Jason Karaian - CFO Europe Magazine